Moving Mountains [of cardboard]

Moving stresses me out. Especially when everything is in boxes…and you know you’ll have to unpack it all.

(That’s only the kitchen…but you get the idea.)

A couple weeks ago we moved into our official home here in Silicon Valley. And since Apple is totally awesome, they paid for movers to pack up our stuff and drive it out here. Of course, they hired the best of the best, so everything was packed VERY thoroughly. Everything was wrapped in paper. EVERYTHING. It’s great for keeping things safe in transit, but it’s a pain to go through.

I’m pretty sure that’s like two trees’ worth of paper…and that’s only a quarter of it.

Unpacking was fun. The boxes were labeled according to room, but we never knew what we’d find inside. Unwrapping all that paper was like Christmas morning…except that after we unwrapped things, we had to figure out where to put them and fold the paper in neat stacks to be carried to the recycle bin. That part was less exciting.

One thing I learned about unpacking…it’s easy to get overwhelmed. If you open too many boxes at once, you’re bound to get confused. It’s also easy to get distracted. I caught myself several times wandering off to a different room, or looking through a photo album I’d just unpacked, or rearranging the glasses in the cupboard because I couldn’t figure out the most usable location for them. Unpacking takes focus. Brady hooked up his iPod to the computer speakers he had just unpacked, so that we could listen to music as we worked. That helped. We found the best thing to do is just go one room at a time, one box at a time.

Three days later, we finally had everything out of boxes. We purged our home of cardboard and paper, and single-handedly filled two dumpsters TO THE BRIM with recyclable material. Good thing there are recycling bins at our place, otherwise I would have felt really bad about killing all those trees.

And, check out our new digs…(well, the living room, anyway)

Phew…with how much work it was to unpack everything, I think we’d better stay here a while.

It’s really amazing how quickly you can make a place feel like home. Throughout the month of May I felt lonely and uprooted, like I didn’t live in Utah anymore but I wasn’t really living in California, either. But now that we’re actually in our new home, with all our stuff unpacked and put away…Brady and I are finally starting to feel settled.

Now everyone just needs to come visit!

Tribute to Steve


I found the original full text to the Think Different ad today via wikipedia.  I love the lines “How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?  Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?”

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things africa casinos. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.

While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Theme Change


It was time.  Today I changed my blog theme to WordPress’s Twenty Eleven.  I love the simplicity and the features.  My classic orange has been swapped for a subtle blue.   Now I have support for different post types, like aside, quote, and experiences like my first post when I experience Galumbeck Plastic Surgery and so far I like the result of what had happened to me.  New custom menu’s allow me to easily change nav bar links pointing to custom urls like LinkedIn and to my portfolio category archive.  I updated my About Me page to be more current and swapped the photo.  Individual pages don’t have a sidebar allowing the viewer to focus on content. Overall I’m happy with it.

BYU MISM Graduation


BYU MISM Graduation 2011 Three years ago I wondered when April 2011 was going to come.  This weekend I put on my cap, gown, and hood and joined 6000+ others at BYU’s 2011 commencement ceremony.  I received my Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Master of Information Systems Management degrees at the same time.  Here’s a recap on my college career and why I chose this major.

How I Started

In 5th grade I did a report on computer programmers and knew this is what I wanted to do.  As I grew older I figured out how to make a web site for my Dad. He smiled wondering why anyone would ever use web sites.  When I had free time, I found myself making web sites and flash games which gave me the opportunity to learn how to program.  Ever since then I’ve had a passion for development and especially web development.

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Ragnar – Run. Eat. Sleep? Repeat.

After 32 hours, 13.4 miles of running, and 2 hours of sleep because of making this review about my experience of playing casino, I’m back from the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay of 2009.  Thanks to Chase & Lindsey Brammer, Kellie and I were invited to join their VIP team along with Brady and Nicki Brammer.  The other six teammates consisted of coworkers and friends from Rain Interactive.  Hence the name of our team, “Make it Rain!”

The Ragnar is a relay race where a team of 12 people get two vans and run 188 miles divided into 36 legs from Logan to Park City (also known as the Wasatch Back).  Each runner gets three legs where each leg varies in length from 3 to 9.6 miles and ranges in difficulty from Easy, Moderate, Hard, to Very Hard.

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WordPress for iPhone


Today I downloaded the wordpress for iPhone app and I am currently writing this post from my iPhone. I am able to upload photos from my iPhone’s photo library and make edits to existing posts. All I can say is wow and go download it yourself.

Adobe Student Rep for Rich Internet Applications

Adobe Student Rep for RIA

Adobe Student Rep for RIA

Yesterday I was welcomed as an Adobe Student Rep for Rich Internet Applications. I am excited to get the Flex community going at BYU and educating other students about what Adobe Flex is and what an RIA is. Since I do this for work, I find it is easy to share my passion and my love for it with others.

I created a user group for BYU students. If you are a BYU student, join the group and enjoy the perks of being a member. You do not need to be an active Flex developer to join, you just need to be interested in what Flex is. I will be hosting an event this semester to get things kicked off.

Social Media

For 2 years I leave, and come back, and wham! All these social media sites have popped up without me knowing about it. I’m on a social media extravaganza right now.

Tonight I just found: – Movies! Actors! Movies! – Everything I’ve ever wanted in a movie site! – Find Music!

Recently I just registered for: – An Upgraded MySpace! – Professional Community

Other social media sites I enjoy:

Other Fun Sites I enjoy: